Tuesday, May 31, 2016

What is an adult talent agent?

An adult talent agent is a person (or company) who finds jobs for porn stars or those who wish to perform in adult movies.

In return for finding a person work they take a percentage of the total amount earned as their fee. For example, if your agent books you a scene for $500, they will charge you 10% (some agents charge 15%). So you go do the scene, get paid your $500 from the producer and then go and pay your agent the $50 you owe him for getting you the job in the first place.

You do not have to have an agent to work in film but it helps if you are new because often times a new girl won't have the connections to all the producers and directors. So if she doesn't know who to talk to, how can she get hired in the first place?

That's where an agent comes in. They have a huge contact list of all the movers and shakers in the business.

But more than just finding you a job, they can also prevent you from getting taken advantage of.

An agent knows the ins and outs of the business and they know how to protect their girls from the bullshit.

Here is a typical scenario ..... a girl shows up to a shoot. She was told in advance that the shoot would pay her $500 for a boy/girl scene. However when she gets there they are like oh we needed you to do a anal as well. 

If you say no, you only agreed to do a boy/girl scene for $500. They are like oh well since you are here, mind as well go ahead and do it. You are now feeling the pressure. So you can do it or cancel. So they tell you, well if you cancel we'll have to charge you a kill fee.

Now you walk away and not only did you not get paid but you actually owe them money for cancelling the scene in the first place.

Sadly this scenario happens OFTEN.

Having an agent would save you from all of that. 

So while it's true you don't need an agent to do porn, when you first start out, it is advisable. It can save you a lot of trouble.

Not sure what agent to go with? Here is a current list of legit adult agents.

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