Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Why do you need an adult talent agent?

Let's be real, with the rise of social media, you don't NEED an agent. Anyone can contact a studio, producer or director and try and book their own work.

But that isn't as easy as you might think. When you are new there are a lot of things about the adult industry that you just don't know and having an agent can protect you.

In the state of California, talent agencies must be licensed under special sections of the California Labor Code. In other words, real agents are licensed and bonded by the state.

These agents know how much to charge for your services and what producers and directors are legit and what ones are scam artists who don't pay.

I can't tell you how many guys are out there pretending to be a director. They "hire" you to show up and do a scene. They get you to have sex with them and they film it. Now it's time to get paid and that's when you find out they aren't a legit production company and now you just had sex with some jack ass for free because they aren't going to pay you.

So while you don't have to have an agent, it sure does help to protect you.

Also how do you know how much to charge?

What if you want $800 for a boy/girl scene and you try and book the scene yourself and a crafty producer may try and negotiate it down. Are you really skilled enough to handle those negotiations and get what you REALLY deserve?

An agent will save you from that hassle. With an agent there will never be any talk of money between producers and talent. You know in advance where you are going, how much you will be paid and exactly what you are doing for that amount of money.

There is no showing up on set and trying to get a better deal.

So just think about that before you decide if you need an agent or not.

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