Thursday, June 9, 2016

No adult talent agent contract is valid for more than one year

In a previous article we talked about contracts. Something I wanted to make clear, is the term of the contract. No contract is valid for more than one year and it can't automatically renew. If they want you under contract for another year, they have to get you to re-sign each and every year.

According to California labor code section 1703 part 6 (f).

A contract between an artist and a talent service shall have a term of not more than one year and shall not be renewed automatically.

So if you go to sign a contract with an adult talent agent, make sure they know that you know the law. You won't agree to more than one year, period and you also won't agree to any clause that says the contract will automatically renew at the end of each year unless cancelled.

I want to give a special thanks to Naughty News Network for finding and providing me with this information in the first place.

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